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Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:44 am

Zekrom & Reshiram
Zekrom & Reshiram
Alright, i know most of you dont really care, but for the past few months, i've been writing touhou fanfiction and i decided to share it here on the forum.
Here's the prologue and chapter 1. Share with me your opinions please.

Gensokyo No Usagi Youkai
Touhou Project Fanfiction By Pikmintendo

Prologue - Judgment

"...Where... where am i?" Said the voice belonging to an amnesiac.
"Why, you're in my domain," answered a green-haired girl.
"Where exactly is that?"
"Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and Earth," responded the green-haired girl. "Oh, pardon me," she proceeded, "I'm forgetting my manners. My name is Shikieiki. I shall be your judge today."
"My...judge?" inquired the amnesiac.
"Oh, well, you see, you're dead."
"...That would explain the amnesia."
"Yes, yes, it's quite common. Now, on with the judgment..." Shikieiki pulled out two books, one titled "Sins" and the other titled "Lives" and examined them. "Hmm... seems you committed very few sins in your past life..." Shikieiki examined the book for a while before stating, "All right. You have 2 choices. You can either go to heaven, or be reincarnated as a youkai."
"...Reincarnated as a what?" asked the amnesiac.
"A youkai. They're supernatural beings that have special powers. Now choose."
After pondering for a while, the amnesiac made her choice, "Heaven sounds rather boring, what with paradise all the time and nothing to do. I'd like to be reincarnated as a youkai."
"Woah, really?" Shikieiki was surprised. "Most people choose to go to heaven in this situation...but alright. I hereby sentence you to be reincarnated as a youkai," she waved her rod of judgment in the air and brought it down hard,"DANZAI!" and with that "DANZAI!" a new life began...

Chapter I - A Typical Day In Eientei

Kumiko was a rabbit youkai. She had bright blue eyes, white rabbit ears, and long, light pinkish purple hair. She always wore an aqua-color jacket, a white blouse, and a light blue skirt. She'd been living with Reisen, Tewi, Kaguya, and Eirin for as long as she could remember. They took her in after they found her collapsed on the ground somewhere in Eientei a couple years back. She had since become very good friends with all of them, especially Reisen.
"I'm back everyone!" exclaimed Kumiko as she got back from gathering ingredients for Eirin's medicine experiments one afternoon.
"Oh there you are," said Eirin, "Did you find everything I told you to?"
"I sure did, Eirin!" responded Kumiko as she handed Eirin the box of ingredients.
"Ah, excellent. You're such a good girl," said Eirin as she took the box and smiled at Kumiko. "Oh, right, Udonge was looking for you."
"Huh? Reisen was looking for me? But why..." Kumiko suddenly remembered, "I promised I'd practice with her! Right!" and she ran off to find Reisen.
"Oh, there you are," said Reisen when Kumiko made it to their specified training area.
"Sorry, Sorry! I was helping Eirin and I completely forgot!" exclaimed Kumiko.
Reisen laughed. "It's perfectly fine, Kumiko. Everyone's late sometimes."
Kumiko paused, then responded, "Good. I thought you might be mad."
"No, I'm not mad. Now, shall we begin our Danmaku practice? You still need to perfect your spell card use."
"Yeah. Let's start."
Then began the danmaku practice. Bullets flew in every direction. Of course, neither Reisen nor Kumiko was shooting at full power, this was only practice, they didn't want to hurt each other.
"Alright," said Reisen after a while, "Try a spellcard now."
"Okay," responded Kumiko, "Here we go!" she whipped out a spellcard and screamed, "G-force sign: Gravitational Impact!" The following burst of gravity was huge and just what Kumiko was hoping for. If it hadn't hit her instead of Reisen, that is. "Oww..." Kumiko had hit the ground hard.
Reisen landed and walked over to Kumiko to help her up. "Hey, don't worry, you'll get it eventually," assured Reisen, "But, I think that's enough for today."
"O-okay..." said Kumiko, still feeling the effects of her spellcard.
"Well, I see someone's danmaku is improving," said a voice behind Kumiko, "Before, you couldn't even get the spellcard to do anything," She whirled around to see the voice's owner.
"Oh, Miss Alice!" remarked Kumiko as she saw the familiar face of Alice Margatroid, a regular customer of Eirin's.
"Hello Kumiko. Hello Reisen," the dollmaker greeted.
"Hello," the two rabbits responded.
"I'll take you to Miss Eirin straight away," Said Reisen as she motioned for Alice to follow. Alice smiled at Kumiko before following Reisen into the house.
Kumiko sighed, "I've been trying to get this spellcard thing down for months... I'm great with my manipulation of gravity ability, but I have trouble using it as a spellcard for some reason..." Kumiko then started back twoards the house. Kaguya met her at the doorway.
"How are you today, Kumiko?" asked Kaguya casually.
"Oh, Hello, Mistress Kaguya. I'm fine," Kumiko noticed that Kaguya was headed out, "Where are you headed, Mistress?"
"Oh, you know, to do the usual," and she walked a bit away from the house and waited a few seconds.
Kumiko then heard a yell, "KAGUYAAAAA!"
Then another yell, "MOKOOOUU!" and no further questions were needed. Kumiko then headed inside. She stopped at a point. She Manipulated gravity to make the bucket of water above her head stop in midair, moved out from under it, and let it fall onto the floor.
"Nice try, Tewi," she said. Tewi then came out of her hiding spot.
"You're so much harder to prank than Reisen," Tewi said, "And I respect you for that. But, I will get you someday..."
"Good. I praise you for your persistence," responded Kumiko, "But for now, you might want to wipe up that water before Eirin sees."
Tewi shivered and reluctantly began to clean up her mess. Kumiko then headed up to her room and lay on her bed.
"Oh, right," Kumiko thought out loud, "It's that time of the month again... better get some sleep so I won't be tired tonight," she then proceeded to nap.

Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:46 am

*mental breakdown*


Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:46 am

*unzips pants*


Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:54 pm

My Touhou fanfiction 131113834034


Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:02 pm

Zekrom & Reshiram
Zekrom & Reshiram
SHoulden't this be posted on

Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:36 pm



Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:20 am

Zekrom & Reshiram
Zekrom & Reshiram
heres my fanfiction

Murando thrusted his doodle into Miranda.


Murando was not wearing a condom.

They have a child after the adventure.



Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:45 am

Yes, sequel pl0x.


Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:39 am

Zekrom & Reshiram
Zekrom & Reshiram
Here b chapter 2.

Chapter II - Visiting a Friend

That night, Kumiko got a tapping at her bedroom window. She went over to it, opened it, and flew out to meet Marisa Kirasame.
"Long time no see, ze," greeted Marisa.
"Good to see you too, Marisa," responded Kumiko, "I really appreciate you tagging along with me every month to do this."
"It's not a problem, I need to borrow a few more books from Patchy anyway, ze," said Marisa. They started flying, making small talk along the way to their destination. "I'd really like to see her more often too, ze," said Marisa, "But you seem to be one of the only people she won't attack on sight, ze,"
"Yeah, but underneath it all, she's really nice, for a vampire anyway," said Kumiko.
"You seem to have really connected with her, ze," said Marisa as she took a bite out of an apple. She spit it out immediately, "This apple's gone bad, ze," she said as she tossed the apple.
"Oh look, there's the Scarlet Devil Mansion," said Kumiko as they approached the mansion.
"Ah, Excellent, ze," said Marisa as they landed by the front gate next to the sleeping gatekeeper, Meiling.
"I'll meet you back here, ze," proposed Marisa
"Ok," agreed Kumiko. Marisa headed for the library while Kumiko headed elsewhere in the mansion.
The Scarlet Devil Mansion was big, and despite Kumiko's monthly visits, she still got lost sometimes. Luckily, she ran into the head maid, Sakuya.
"Ah, Miss Kumiko," said Sakuya, "Lost your way again?"
"Yes," said Kumiko, "Mind showing me the way again, Sakuya?"
"Not at all," responded Sakuya as she started walking and motioned for Kumiko to follow. After a while, they came to a door, one that Kumiko knew very well.
"There you are," said Sakuya, "Now if you'll excuse me, I must attend to my Mistress," and Sakuya disappeared.
Kumiko took a deep breath, "Here we go..." She opened the door to see... a little blonde girl in red clothes, who was very happy to see her.
"Kumi-chan!" exclaimed the girl, as she lunged towards Kumiko in an attempt to hug her in joy.
"Flandre! Hello!" said Kumiko as Flandre glomped her.
"You've come to play with me again?" asked Flandre with a smile, as she did every month.
"Indeed I have," answered Kumiko, as she also did every month.
"Yay!" said Flandre.
The two then proceeded to "play", another regular thing on these monthly visits.
You see, Kumiko and Flandre had a backstory...
It had all started about a year ago, when Kumiko got lost one day when looking for some mushrooms Eirin needed. Kumiko began to panic as the light of day started fading. She wandered around until she came across a large mansion, and decided to go there and ask for directions. If Meiling, the gatekeeper, wasn't sleeping, she probably would have battled Kumiko with danmaku, but, being Meiling, she was, of course, asleep. Kumiko knocked on the door of the mansion. She waited a while until a silvery-gray haired girl dressed like a maid answered the door.
"Oh, company? I'm afraid my mistress is out currently," said the maid.
"Oh, uh, no, I'm just kind of lost and I was hoping you could give me directions to Eientei,"
'Ohoho', thought the maid, 'This youkai is fresh meat then...'
"I don't know the way," the maid said, "But there's someone inside that may be able to help you."
"Really?" inquired Kumiko.
"Just follow me," said the maid as she began walking back into the mansion. Kumiko followed. The maid lead her to an intricately carved door, with several locks on it. The maid unlocked all of them, and opened the door.
"The person that can help you is in there," said the maid. Kumiko was hesitant. "Oh don't worry," said the maid with a slightly creepy smile, "It's perfectly safe."
Kumiko cautiously headed into the room. The door slammed and locked behind her and she knew she had been tricked. Kumiko looked around the room. It looked like a typical little girl's room except... there were bloodstains scattered around the carpet and some objects in the room had been blown to pieces. It was also a very large room. She looked around the room a bit more until she saw a little girl. She was wearing red clothes lined with white, had blonde hair, and had what appeared to be wings protruding from her back. These were long black rods with crystals of assorted colors hanging off them. She was staring at Kumiko as if she was an alien.
"Who are you?" asked the girl as she stared at Kumiko with interest.
"Uh...Hello, I'm Kumiko," responded Kumiko.
"Kumiko," the girl repeated, "Kumiko, Kumiko, Kumiko," she repeated it several times as if trying to get used to saying it. After a long pause she said, "It's good," as if giving her approval.
"Umm...Thank you," Kumiko said back. Another long pause followed, the two staring into each other's eyes and seeming to communicate without speaking, on a level that speech could just not convey. The silence was broken as the girl shot a ball of light at Kumiko. Kumiko dodged it.
"By the way, my name's Flandre," said the girl, "You seem like you'd be fun to play with."
"'Play'?" inquired Kumiko.
"Yes," responded Flandre, "Play."
"Um...sure," responded Kumiko, a bit more certainly than she expected.
Flandre's bright red eyes lit up. "Great," she said with a grin that could only be described as devilish.
Flandre rose into the air. Kumiko did the same. Then they started the danmaku fight. Kumiko grazed shots many times.
"Say, you're not bad at this game!" exclaimed Flandre after a while.
"Thank you, I'm just a beginner though," responded Kumiko.
"Why don't we make the game a little harder, then!" said Flandre happily as she pulled out a spellcard. "Taboo 'Maze of Love'!" yelled Flandre. A barrage of danmaku appeared and Flandre went out of sight. Kumiko couldn't see away to dodge the approaching danmaku. Of course, that was natural, this spellcard was the bane of many great danmaku wielders. She began to panic. But then...
Kumiko's bright blue eyes lit up the same way Flandre's eyes had, and she got the same devilish grin. She immediately knew what to do. She circled backwards through the Maze of Love and then hit Flandre with all she had. Flandre was able to get a few shots into Kumiko before she was hit, and then both fell out of the air and onto the floor simultaneously. There was a short pause before Flandre said, "Looks like we tied!"
"Yeah," Kumiko said as she smiled, "But I have a feeling you held back a little."
"Well of course I did," responded Flandre, "If I didn't hold back, it'd be over too quickly and the fun would've ended sooner."
"I see..." said Kumiko.
"You should probably get going. You were asking Sakuya for directions? I think she knows the way," said Flandre.
"But how do we get her here?" asked Kumiko.
Flandre grinned. "PAAAAAD-CHOOOOU!" she screamed. Sakuya appeared behind her looking very flustered.
"WHO SAID THAT? WHO? I SWEAR I'LL GET-" Sakuya paused and looked around the room as Flandre laughed. "Oh, it's just you, Miss Flandre. May I be of service?"
"Please escort my friend back to their home," Flandre said as she pointed at Kumiko.
Sakuya looked at Kumiko and looked a bit embarrassed. It was a bit awkward meeting someone after you had tried to feed them to someone else.
"R-Right away," said Sakuya. She went over to the door and opened it, "R-right this way Miss," Kumiko started heading towards the door.
"...Kumiko," said Flandre. Kumiko turned around. "Come back and play with me again sometimes, okay?" asked Flandre
Kumiko smiled. "Sure thing," she replied, and headed out of the room.
Kumiko had been making monthly visits to Flandre ever since, yet no one back in Eientei knew. Sakuya had since apologized for trying to feed her to Flandre, and Kumiko wouldn't have forgiven her, if it weren't for Sakuya's obvious sincerity. She'd also met with the other residents of the mansion. There was Remilia, who was Sakuya's mistress and Flandre's older sister, Patchouli, who was knowledgeable in all subjects and spent most of her time reading in the library, and Koakuma, Patchouli's assistant. There was also Meiling, but she was either sleeping or reading shonen manga most of the time. After "playing" with Flandre for a while, Kumiko looked at the time.
"Aww, looks like I have to go, Flan," she said sadly.
"Awwww..." said Flandre, "See ya, Kumi-chan."
"Don't worry, I'll be back next month," Kumiko said as she headed toward the door, "Bye!"
"Bye!" waved Flandre.
After Sakuya escorted Kumiko back outside, she found Marisa waiting for her.
"About time, ze," said Marisa.
"Sorry," apologized Kumiko, "I lose track of time when playing with Flandre, it just makes her so happy..."
"Well, it's no problem," remarked Marisa, "I had time for a talk with Patchy, ze."
Kumiko didn't need to ask about the "talk."
"Let's go then shall we?" proposed Kumiko.
"You read my mind, ze," approved Marisa.
Upon getting back to Eieintei, Kumiko waved Marisa goodbye and went back into her room through the window...
Only to find Reisen waiting for her there.
"AHH! R-Reisen!"
"Where have you been Kumiko?" scolded Reisen, "You haven't mastered your spellcard use, so it's not safe for you to be out at this time of night."
"Well, it's just... I, uhh..."
"Something you wanna tell me?"
Kumiko sighed, then explained from the beginning.
"...I see," said Reisen as Kumiko finished.
"Please don't tell Eirin or Kaguya! If they find out they'll make me stop going and Flandre will be sad and the thought of Flandre having no one to play with just..." Kumiko was trying hard to hold back tears. She wasn't doing a very good job. "You know, 'cause she has no other friends except her sister and that lazy gatekeeper... and I've become kind of... close with her...she's just a good friend and I don't wanna let her down..."
Reisen nodded. "I won't tell. I can see how important this is to you. Plus, you're pretty safe with Marisa accompanying you... at least I hope..."
This response made Kumiko so emotional that she squeezed Reisen with a hug. Hard. So hard that her gravity manipulation powers kicked in by accident. Reisen was feeling 2.3Gs of force.
"Ok," gasped Reisen, "Enough of the death grip."
Kumiko let go and looked embarrassed. There was a long awkward silence. Then both of the rabbits headed to bed.

Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:36 am



Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:08 am

Zekrom & Reshiram
Zekrom & Reshiram
Great! More Touhou!


Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:34 am

Zekrom & Reshiram
Zekrom & Reshiram
Hey so after months of not writing, I revised the first 3 chapters and started on the fourth.
Heres the revised first 2 chapters and the third one:


Gensokyo No Usagi Youkai

Touhou Project Fanfiction By Pikmintendo (A.K.A. Luapik-eyes
on Tumblr and DarkPlayer789 on Gamespot)

Special Thanks to my soul brothers
RandomConsomePanchi/RandomPro2000 and MarioWorldHacker for all their help and support.

To all the Touhou fans out there: Keep on dodging bullets.

Prologue - Judgment

"...Where... where am I?" said the voice belonging
to an amnesiac.

"Why, you're in my domain," answered a
green-haired girl.

"Where exactly is that?"

"Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and Earth,"
responded the green-haired girl. "Oh, pardon me," she proceeded,
"I'm forgetting my manners. My name is Shikieiki. I shall be your judge

"My...judge?" inquired the amnesiac.

"Oh, well, you see, you're dead."

"...That would explain the amnesia."

"Yes, yes, it's quite common. Now, on with the
judgment..." Shikieiki pulled out two books; one titled "Sins"
and the other titled "Lives" and examined them. "Hmm... seems
you committed very few sins in your past life..." Shikieiki examined the
book for a while before stating, "All right. You have 2 choices. You can
either go to heaven, or be reincarnated as a youkai."

"...Reincarnated as a what?" asked the amnesiac.

"A youkai. They're supernatural beings that have
special powers. And please choose quickly if you could, I’m quite busy."

After pondering for a while, the amnesiac made her choice,
"Heaven sounds rather boring, what with paradise all the time and nothing
to do. I'd like to be reincarnated as a youkai."

"Woah, really?" Shikieiki was surprised.
"Most people choose to go to heaven in this situation...but alright. I
hereby sentence you to be reincarnated as a youkai," she waved her rod of
judgment in the air and brought it down hard,"DANZAI!" and with that
"DANZAI!" a new life began...

Chapter I - A Typical Day In Eientei

Kumiko was a rabbit youkai. She had bright blue eyes, white
rabbit ears, and long, light pinkish purple hair. She always wore an aqua-color
jacket, a white blouse, and a light blue skirt. She'd been living with Reisen,
Tewi, Kaguya, and Eirin for as long as she could remember. They took her in
after they found her collapsed on the ground somewhere in Eientei a couple
years back. She had since become very good friends with all of them, especially

"I'm back everyone!" exclaimed Kumiko as she got
back from gathering ingredients for Eirin's medicine experiments one afternoon.

"Oh there you are," said Eirin, "Did you find
everything I told you to?"

"I sure did, Eirin!" responded Kumiko as she
handed Eirin the box of ingredients.

"Ah, excellent. You're such a good girl," said
Eirin as she took the box and smiled at Kumiko. "Oh, right, Udonge was
looking for you."

"Huh? Reisen was looking for me? But why..."
Kumiko suddenly remembered, "I promised I'd practice with her!
Right!" and she ran off to find Reisen.

"Oh, there you are," said Reisen when Kumiko made
it to their specified training area.

"Sorry, Sorry! I was helping Eirin and I completely
forgot!" exclaimed Kumiko.

Reisen laughed. "It's perfectly fine, Kumiko.
Everyone's late sometimes."

Kumiko paused, then responded, "Good. I thought you
might be mad."

"No, I'm not mad. Now, shall we begin our danmaku
practice? You still need to perfect your spell card use."

"Yeah. Let's start."

Then began the danmaku practice. Bullets flew in every
direction. Of course, neither Reisen nor Kumiko were shooting at full power,
this was only practice, they didn't want to hurt each other.

"Alright," said Reisen after a while, "Try a
spellcard now."

"Okay," responded Kumiko, "Here we go!"
she whipped out a spellcard and screamed, "G-force sign: Gravitational
Impact!" The following burst of gravity was huge and just what Kumiko was
hoping for. If it hadn't hit her instead of Reisen, that is. "Oww..."
Kumiko had hit the ground hard.

Reisen landed and walked over to Kumiko to help her up.
"Hey, don't worry, you'll get it eventually," assured Reisen,
"But, I think that's enough for today."

"O-okay..." said Kumiko, still feeling the effects
of her own spellcard.

"Well, I see someone's danmaku is improving," said
a voice behind Kumiko, "Before, you couldn't even get the spellcard to do
anything," She whirled around to see the voice's owner.

"Oh, Miss Alice!" remarked Kumiko as she saw the
familiar face of Alice Margatroid, a regular customer of Eirin's.

"Hello Kumiko. Hello Reisen," the dollmaker

"Hello," the two rabbits responded.

"I'll take you to Miss Eirin straight away," Said
Reisen as she motioned for Alice to follow. Alice smiled at Kumiko before
following Reisen into the house.

Kumiko sighed, "I've been trying to get this spellcard
thing down for months... I'm great with my manipulation of gravity ability, but
I have trouble using it as a spellcard for some reason..." Kumiko then
started back towards the house. Kaguya met her at the doorway.

"How are you today, Kumiko?" asked Kaguya

"Oh, hello, Mistress Kaguya. I'm fine," Kumiko
noticed that Kaguya was headed out, "Where are you headed, Mistress?"

"Oh, you know, to do the usual," and she walked a
bit away from the house and waited a few seconds.

Kumiko then heard a yell, "KAGUYAAAAA!"

Then another yell, "MOKOOOUU!" and no further
questions were needed. Kumiko then headed inside. She stopped at a point. She
manipulated gravity to make the bucket of water above her head stop in midair,
moved out from under it, and let it fall onto the floor.

"Nice try, Tewi," she said. Tewi then came out of
her hiding spot.

"You're so much harder to prank than Reisen," Tewi
said, "And I respect you for that. But, I will get you someday..."

"Good. I praise you for your persistence,"
responded Kumiko, "But for now, you might want to wipe up that water
before Eirin sees."

Tewi shivered and reluctantly began to clean up her mess.
Kumiko then headed up to her room and lay on her bed. She glanced at her custom
made calendar and suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, right," Kumiko thought out loud, "It's
that time of the month again... better get some sleep so I won't be tired
tonight," she then proceeded to nap.

Chapter II - Visiting a Friend

That night, Kumiko got a tapping at her bedroom window. She
went over to it, opened it, and flew out to meet Marisa Kirasame.

"Long time no see, ze," greeted Marisa.

"Good to see you too, Marisa," responded Kumiko,
"I really appreciate you tagging along with me every month to do

"It's not a problem, I need to borrow a few more books
from Patchy anyway, ze," said Marisa. They started flying, making small
talk along the way to their destination. "I'd really like to see her more
often too, ze," said Marisa, "But you seem to be one of the only
people she won't attack on sight."

"Yeah, but underneath it all, she's really nice, for a
vampire anyway," said Kumiko.

"You seem to have really connected with her, ze,"
said Marisa as she took a bite out of an apple. She spit it out immediately,
"This apple's gone bad, ze," she said as she tossed the apple.

"Oh look, there's the Scarlet Devil Mansion," said
Kumiko as they approached the mansion.

"Ah, Excellent, ze," said Marisa as they landed by
the front gate next to the sleeping gatekeeper, Meiling.

"I'll meet you back here, ze," proposed Marisa

"Ok," agreed Kumiko. Marisa headed for the library
while Kumiko headed elsewhere in the mansion.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion was big, and despite Kumiko's
monthly visits, she still got lost sometimes. Luckily, she ran into the head
maid, Sakuya.

"Ah, Miss Kumiko," said Sakuya, "Lost your
way again?"

"Yes," said Kumiko, slightly embarrassed. "Mind
showing me the way again, Sakuya?"

"Not at all," responded Sakuya as she started
walking and motioned for Kumiko to follow. After a while, they came to a door,
one that Kumiko knew very well.

"There you are," said Sakuya, "Now if you'll
excuse me, I must attend to the Mistress’s tea," and Sakuya disappeared.

Kumiko took a deep breath, "Here we go..." She
opened the door to see... a little blonde girl in red clothes, who was very
happy to see her.

"Kumi-chan!" exclaimed the girl, as she lunged
towards Kumiko in an attempt to hug her in joy.

"Flandre! Hello!" said Kumiko as Flandre glomped

"You've come to play with me again?" asked Flandre
with a smile, as she did every month.

"Indeed I have," answered Kumiko, as she also did
every month.

"Yay!" said Flandre.

The two then proceeded to "play", another regular
thing on these monthly visits.

You see, Kumiko and Flandre had a backstory...


It had all started about a year ago, when Kumiko got lost
one day when looking for some mushrooms Eirin needed. Kumiko began to panic as the light of day
started fading. She wandered around until she came across a large mansion, and
decided to go there and ask for directions. If Meiling, the gatekeeper, wasn't
sleeping, she probably would have battled Kumiko with danmaku, but, being
Meiling, she was, of course, asleep. Kumiko knocked on the door of the mansion.
She waited a while until a silvery-gray haired girl dressed like a maid
answered the door.

"Oh, company? I'm afraid my mistress is out
currently," said the maid.

"Oh, uh, no, I'm just kind of lost and I was hoping you
could give me directions to Eientei,"

'Ohoho', thought the maid, 'This youkai is fresh meat

"I don't know the way," the maid said, "But
there's someone inside that may be able to help you."

"Really?" inquired Kumiko.

"Just follow me," said the maid as she began
walking back into the mansion. Kumiko followed. The maid led her to an
intricately carved door, with several locks on it. The maid unlocked all of
them, and opened the door.

"The person that can help you is in there," said
the maid. Kumiko was hesitant. "Oh don't worry," said the maid with a
slightly creepy smile, "It's perfectly safe."

Kumiko cautiously headed into the room. The door slammed and
locked behind her and she knew she had been tricked. Kumiko looked around the
room. It looked like a typical little girl's room except... there were
bloodstains scattered around the carpet and some objects in the room had been
blown to pieces. It was also a very large room. She looked around the room a
bit more until she saw a little girl. She was wearing red clothes lined with
white, had blonde hair, and had what appeared to be wings protruding from her
back. These were long black rods with crystals of assorted colors hanging off
them. She was staring at Kumiko as if she was an alien.

"Who are you?" asked the girl as she stared at
Kumiko with interest.

"Uh...Hello, I'm Kumiko," responded Kumiko.

"Kumiko," the girl repeated, "Kumiko, Kumiko,
Kumiko," she repeated it several times as if trying to get used to saying
it. After a long pause she said, "It's good," as if giving her

"Umm...Thank you," Kumiko said back. Another long
pause followed, the two staring into each other's eyes and seeming to
communicate without speaking, on a level that speech could just not convey. The
silence was broken as the girl shot a ball of light at Kumiko. Kumiko dodged

"By the way, my name's Flandre," said the girl,
"You seem like you'd be fun to play with."

"'Play'?" inquired Kumiko.

"Yes," responded Flandre bluntly,

"Um...sure," responded Kumiko, a bit more certainly
than she expected.

Flandre's bright red eyes lit up. "Great," she
said with a grin that could only be described as devilish.

Flandre rose into the air. Kumiko did the same. Then they
started the danmaku fight. Kumiko grazed shots many times. She also fired
intricate patterns of her own.

"Say, you're not bad at this game!" exclaimed
Flandre after a while.

"Thank you, I'm just a beginner though," responded

"Why don't we make the game a little harder,
then!" said Flandre happily as she pulled out a spellcard. "Taboo
'Maze of Love'!" yelled Flandre. A barrage of danmaku appeared and Flandre
went out of sight. Kumiko couldn't see away to dodge the approaching danmaku.
Of course, that was natural; this spellcard was the bane of many great danmaku
masters. She began to panic. But then...

Kumiko's bright blue eyes lit up the same way Flandre's eyes
had, and she got the same devilish grin. She immediately knew what to do. She
circled backwards through the Maze of Love and then hit Flandre with all she
had. Flandre was able to get a few shots into Kumiko before she was hit, and
then both fell out of the air and onto the floor simultaneously. There was a
short pause before Flandre said, "Looks like we tied!"

"Yeah," Kumiko said as she smiled, "But I have
a feeling you held back a little."

"Well of course I did," responded Flandre,
"If I didn't hold back, it'd be over too quickly and the fun would've
ended sooner."

"I see..." said Kumiko. She noted Flandre’s
complete lack of care for either of their safety.

"You should probably get going. You were asking Sakuya
for directions? I think she knows the way," said Flandre.

"But how do we get her here?" asked Kumiko.

Flandre grinned. "PAAAAAD-CHOOOOU!" she screamed.
Sakuya appeared behind her looking very flustered.

paused and looked around the room as Flandre giggled. "Oh, it's just you,
Miss Flandre. May I be of service?"

"Please escort my friend back to their home,"
Flandre said as she pointed at Kumiko.

Sakuya looked at Kumiko and blushed a bit. It was a bit
awkward meeting someone after you had tried to feed them to someone else.

"R-Right away," said Sakuya. She went over to the
door and opened it, "R-right this way Miss," Kumiko started heading
towards the door.

"...Kumiko," said Flandre. Kumiko turned around.
"Come back and play with me again sometime, okay?" asked Flandre

Kumiko smiled. "Sure thing," she replied, and
headed out of the room.


Kumiko had been making monthly visits to Flandre ever since,
yet no one back in Eientei knew. Sakuya had since apologized for trying to feed
her to Flandre, and Kumiko wouldn't have forgiven her, if it weren't for
Sakuya's obvious sincerity. She'd also met with the other residents of the
mansion. There was Remilia, who was Sakuya's mistress and Flandre's older
sister, Patchouli, who was knowledgeable in all subjects and spent most of her
time reading in the library, and Koakuma, Patchouli's assistant. There was also
Meiling, but she was either sleeping or reading shonen manga most of the time.
After "playing" with Flandre for a while, Kumiko looked at the time.

"Aww, looks like I have to go, Flan," she said

"Awwww..." said Flandre, "See ya,

"Don't worry, I'll be back next month," Kumiko
said as she headed toward the door, "Bye!"

"Bye!" waved Flandre.

After Sakuya escorted Kumiko back outside, she found Marisa
waiting for her.

"About time, ze," said Marisa.

"Sorry," apologized Kumiko, "I lose track of
time when playing with Flandre, it just makes her so happy..."

"Well, it's no problem," remarked Marisa, "I
had time for a talk with Patchy, ze."

Kumiko didn't need to ask about the "talk."

"Let's go then shall we?" proposed Kumiko.

"You read my mind, ze," approved Marisa.

Upon getting back to Eieintei, Kumiko waved Marisa goodbye
and went back into her room through the window...

Only to find Reisen waiting for her there.

"AHH! R-Reisen!"

"Where have you been Kumiko?" scolded Reisen,
"You haven't mastered your spellcard use, so it's not safe for you to be
out at this time of night."

"Well, it's just... I, uhh..."

"Something you wanna tell me?"

Kumiko sighed, then explained from the beginning.

"...I see," said Reisen as Kumiko finished.

"Please don't tell Eirin or Kaguya! If they find out
they'll make me stop going and Flandre will be sad and the thought of Flandre
having no one to play with just..." Kumiko was trying hard to hold back
tears. She wasn't doing a very good job. "You know, 'cause she has no
other friends except her sister and that lazy gatekeeper... and I've become
kind of... close with her...she's just a good friend and I don't ever wanna let
her down..."

Reisen nodded. "I won't tell. I can see how important
this is to you. Plus, you're pretty safe with Marisa accompanying you... at
least I hope..."

This response made Kumiko so emotional that she squeezed
Reisen with a hug. Hard. So hard that her gravity manipulation powers kicked in
by accident. Reisen was feeling 2.3Gs of force.

"Ok," gasped Reisen, "Enough of the death

Kumiko let go and looked embarrassed. There was a long
awkward silence. Then both of the rabbits headed to bed.

Chapter III - The Miko and the Youkai Savior

The next day, Shikieiki was looking over her book of sins
when someone burst through the door.

"Shikiiiii~" said the extravagantly clothed person
who crashed into the room.

Shiki sighed. "Yukari, what do you want? I'm kind of
busy, what with judgment and all," Shiki said to the lady. Now, something
you should know, everyone in Gensokyo knew Yukari. She was the youkai
responsible for making and protecting the Hakurei border.

"There's something amiss~" Yukari whined.

"Could you spit it out then?" asked Shiki, who was
obviously irritated.

"Well," responded Yukari, "There appears to
be a youkai in Gensokyo who carries traits from their past life, in which they
lived in the outside world."

"So?" said Shiki, already getting fed up.

"Sooooo, they actually have a bit of influence over the
border, due to having both youkai and non-youkai traits, and they're getting
more powerful, whoever they are, and if they decide to, they could completely
destroy the Hakurei border, and I figured since you are in charge of deciding
whether people become youkai or not, I thought you might know something."

"I don't. I can't be bothered to remember everyone I
judge," Shiki was really annoyed now.

"Well, think really hard, or I might just do something
unorthodox," said Yukari, menacingly swinging her parasol around, causing
little space-time portals to open and close around her.

Shiki didn't want to get thrown out of Gensokyo, so she
thought very hard, "There was this one girl that chose to be a youkai
rather than go to heaven, but that's all I remember about her. Sorry I couldn't
be of more help."

"No, no, you were great! Now we know that she's in

Shiki sighed, "Yukari, you're drunk, aren't you?"


Meanwhile, in Eientei, Reisen had been looking worried all
day. As if she was thinking about something troubling. Eirin, Kaguya, and Tewi
didn't seem to notice, but it was obvious to Kumiko. Reisen asked after
breakfast if she could talk to Kumiko in private. After going outside alone
with Kumiko, Reisen asked if she could hear the story of when Kumiko and
Flandre met again. Kumiko repeated it.

"...I see...That's not good..." said Reisen.

"What?" asked Kumiko.

"Well you said you lost control when you dodged
Flandre's Maze of Love, right?" inquired Reisen.

"Yeah..." responded Kumiko.

"Uh, well... you know how looking straight into my eyes
makes people go insane, right?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with..."
Kumiko suddenly realized, "You don't mean that living with you has made me
partially insane?!"

"I'm afraid so," responded Reisen. Kumiko suddenly
grabbed the back of her lower neck.

"Ow!" she exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" asked Reisen.

"Yeah, just been having some neck pain today,"
said Kumiko.

"Oh...You want me to get you some painkiller from
Eirin?" offered Reisen.

"No, No, it's nothing," responded Kumiko.

"Ah," said Reisen, "Well, anyway, I wouldn't
worry too much, you said you haven't lost control like that any other time,

"No, it's only happened when I'm with Flandre,"
answered Kumiko.

"Alright. Just... be careful," said Reisen.

They then went to practice Kumiko's danmaku.


Meanwhile, aboard a ship flying through the sky- the
Palanquin Ship, to be specific- a girl named Byakuren was staring at the midday

"It's good that not many youkai are in trouble..."
she said, "But nothing much happens anymore."

She sighed, "I just wish that I had something to do...
I can't train, some of powers are still sealed, and I can't retrieve them due
to..." she talked to herself for a while. She almost didn’t notice when
one of her followers, Irchirin, came up next to her with some important news.

"Miss Byakuren!" excalimed Irchirin.

Byakuren snapped out of her daydreams of defending youkai.
"What?" she asked.

"I just got word- Unzan told me- that a youkai is going
to use a human to try to eliminate another youkai!"

"What?" said Byakuren, "That's despicable! A
youkai using a human to do their dirty work.. I... I have to go and protect
that youkai from that human!"

"Unzan said that the human - Reimu Hakurei - is going
to attack the youkai at her home in Eientei."

"What? The human is Reimu? This is not good... Murasa!
Set a course for Eientei!”

“Aye, Miss Byakuren!” exclaimed Murasa.

The crew then headed off towards the human village.


Kumiko however, had no idea that she was about to be
attacked. She was practicing her danmaku as she did every afternoon.

"Darn," said Kumiko as she hit the ground, "I
should've Hi-tensioned there."

"You have a lot to learn," said Reisen as she
helped Kumiko up, "But you are improving."

"That's good..." said Kumiko, "Let's go at it

"Again?" said Reisen, "You've already tried
47 times today."

"Yeah," responded Kumiko, "I'm gonna try
until I get it right."

Reisen looked at Kumiko with concern, "Why the sudden
rush to get your spellcards down?"

Kumiko hesitated before answering, "Well it's just that

She was interrupted when Reisen pushed her out of the way of
a large ball of light. Reisen would have recognized it anywhere. It was a
fantasy orb.

"Reimu..." said Reisen. Kumiko and Reisen Turned
to face the black-haired girl who had fired the orb.

"Reisen, long time, no see," Said Reimu.

"Why have you returned to Eientei?" said Reisen,
"What business do you have here?"

You see, Reimu had beaten Reisen in a danmaku battle once,
and Reisen was still a bit bitter about it.

"Reisen," said Reimu, "That youkai behind you
is a threat to Gensokyo."

"Nonsense," said Reisen, "She's just a simple
rabbit youkai."

"Look," responded Reimu, "I don't understand
it either, but Lady Yukari ordered me to exterminate her, and she's usually not
wrong about stuff like this."

"I won't let you hurt her," said Reisen, her arms outstretched,
attempting to protect Kumiko.

Reimu sighed, "I didn’t wanna have to do this..."
she fired a fantasy orb at Reisen. Reisen sidestepped and dodged it easily.

"You think you can take me down that easily?" asked
Reisen. Reimu smirked. The fantasy orb veered around and hit Reisen in the

"Reisen!" shouted Kumiko. She ran over to Reisen.
She tried to shake Reisen awake. It was no use, Reisen was out cold.

"Now," said Reimu, "To take care of
you." She started charging an attack.

"Not if I can help it," said a voice as a brown
haired girl descended from the sky, hitting Reimu with a bullet on her way down
to the ground. “Phew, Just made it.”

Reimu frowned at the sight of her, "Byakuren,"
said Reimu, "What are YOU doing here?"

"I'm here to protect this youkai!" exclaimed
Byakuren with such valor that you'd think she was trying to protect her sister
rather than a stranger.

"Byakuren," started Reimu, "I exterminate
troublemaking youkai all the time."

"But this youkai hasn't done anything wrong!" said
Byakuren firmly.

Reimu sighed, "Fine, if you want to do this the hard
way." She took out a spellcard and yelled, "Dream Sign 'Evil Sealing

Byakuren took to the air. She narrowly dodged the pattern

Both the combatants shot bullets and gracefully dodged each
others’ shots. They were both obviously very skilled.

After a while, Byakuren pulled out a spellcard.

"Great Magic 'Devil's Recitation!'" screamed
Byakuren. A fabulous pattern of bullets spread everywhere. By this time, Reimu
had been hit by more than a few bullets, yet she stilled tried to dodge the
pattern. She got hit by one and fell to the ground.

"Don't think this is over!" said Reimu.

Byakuren landed and turned to Kumiko, who was still holding
an unconscious Reisen and crying.

"Don't worry," said Byakuren, kneeling next to
Kumiko, "It'll be alright..." She stared at Reisen's unconscious

"Or at least I hope," whispered Byakuren to

Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:13 pm

Zekrom & Reshiram
Zekrom & Reshiram
Wow. These are a lot better than the originals


Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:53 am

Zekrom & Reshiram
Zekrom & Reshiram
Sorry, I had to bump. That was fucking terrible. My fanfiction is so much better and more relatable to the video game series they represent.

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